Protecting Your Interests In Assessment Lien Disputes

Homeowner associations have monthly dues and assessments that each homeowner is expected to pay. These dues and assessments pay for the upkeep of common areas, improvements to facilities, special projects and other items. The rules for these dues and assessments, their issuance and collection are typically spelled out in the association’s covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) or bylaws.

The association expects each homeowner to pay his or her dues and assessments according to the terms in the governing documents. Failure to do so can result in additional fees and interest, collection action or lawsuits. HOAs can even initiate foreclosure actions against homeowners to satisfy the amount owed to them. In many cases, the HOA will record an assessment lien against your property in the course of the collection process.

HOA Assessments Attorney Working For A Positive Outcome

With an office in Phoenix, Arizona, The Bainbridge Law Firm, L.L.C., has extensive experience helping clients settle assessment lien disputes and other issues as an Arizona HOA assessment lien attorney. We have a comprehensive understanding of HOA laws and procedures, along with their operation. We are committed to helping you reach a positive outcome and can help protect your rights.

In many cases, the HOA fails to follow proper procedure during the collection process, and the assessment liens are often invalid. When you hire us, we will examine the account, the lien and its adequacy. We will look at the association’s governing documents to ensure that everything was done according to the rules. If we find any discrepancy at all, we will work to have the lien declared invalid. In some cases, you may be entitled to compensation if an invalid lien was recorded against your property.

Let Us Address Your Legal Questions

Contact our Phoenix law firm today to discuss your case with a skilled HOA lawyer by calling 602-902-1930. We will walk you through the process and any legal complexities, review relevant documentation and let you know how we can address your concerns.

As part of providing you an analysis of your documentation and a legal opinion regarding your case, we charge $245 for a consultation.

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