Can your HOA make you follow rules it doesn’t otherwise enforce?

When you break the HOA rules, they will take enforcement actions against you. You could face fines or other penalties. Can your HOA punish you for something that they ignore from other homeowners?

Protecting yourself when your HOA says you’re behind on fees

One of your responsibilities as an HOA homeowner will be to pay fees to the association to cover their operating costs and any community amenities that they provide. You probably do your best to make all of the necessary payments and stay on top of your obligations to your HOA.

Is your HOA unfairly blocking reform by not having open meetings?

HOA serves primarily as a means of protecting the local community and enforcing standards for the maintenance and appearance of individual homes. However, an HOA can also have a negative impact on a homeowner if it unfairly enforces certain rules or singles out an individual homeowner.

Standing up for your rights in a Homeowner Association dispute

Homeowner Associations (HOAs) have the power to control how a neighborhood looks to a certain extent. They are able to regulate the external appearance of homes and gardens under the premise that the external appearance of one home could affect the value of all other homes in the community.

Your homeowner association and making changes to your property

If you have a homeowner association (HOA), it’s critical that you familiarize yourself with the applicable bylaws. For example, if you want to make alterations to your property, it’s likely that you first have to get permission from the HOA board.Imagine a situation in which you hired a contractor to make some minor changes to your home. You thought you were within your rights, so you gave your contractor permission to move forward with the project. But soon enough, you find that you’ve gone down the wrong path.